Arduino S Function for MPC4725 I2C DAC

버전 (17.2 KB) 작성자: Guillermo
This is an S Function driver for the MPC4725 I2C Digital to Analog 12 bit converter.

다운로드수: 2.6K

업데이트 날짜:2013/5/24

라이선스 보기

I needed to make this work for a project and finally did by following the S Function Builder tutorial that was posted Here://

I've also made an S Function with this same process for the ADS1115 I2C 16 bit ADC using the adafruit ADS1015 library but I'll post that later.

인용 양식

Guillermo (2022).Arduino S Function for MPC4725 I2C DAC(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨.

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개발 환경: R2013a
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