
버전 (49.1 KB) 작성자: Giampiero Campa
Multitrack 3D Simulink Scope

다운로드수: 10.6K

업데이트 날짜:2017/12/18

라이선스 보기

편집자 메모:This file was selected as MATLAB CentralPick of the Week

This block is an enhanced version of the standard XYGraph Simulink block.
The standard XYGraph allows to plot the motion of ONE point in the XY plane. This block allows plotting the motion of SEVERAL points in the XYZ space.

In other words each point draws a line as it moves, so you end up having several lines in the plot instead of just one. Setting the camera position parameter to [0 0 1] reduces the plot to a classic 2D one.

This block is very useful when you have to compare the motion of a point versus a reference trajectory. See this blog entry for more information:https://blogs.mathworks.com/pick/2017/03/10/3d-scope/

Run install_3dscope.m to install the scope. The file M2DScope_new.mdl contains a new version for R2014b and later, which was rewritten taking advantages of new graphic features. The file M2DScope_old.mdl contains the legacy version which is slower, has less features, and i think it's harder to use due to its coordinate input ordering, but should work for any version (5.3 and later).

Read the readme.txt file for more info.


인용 양식

Giampiero Campa (2022).3DScope(//www.tianjin-qmedu.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/4915-3dscope), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨.

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