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Clusters and Clouds

Discover cluster resources, and work with cluster profiles

If your computing task is too big or too slow for your local computer, you can offload your calculation to a cluster onsite or in the cloud to run your MATLAB®code with minimal changes. TryParallel>Discover Clustersin the MATLAB toolstrip to find out if you already have a cluster available.

If you already have a cluster with a scheduler, you can integrate MATLAB with it usingMATLAB Parallel Server™. Alternatively, if you do not have an existing scheduler, thenMATLAB Parallel Serverprovides MATLAB Job Scheduler.


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parcluster Create cluster object
parpool Create parallel pool on cluster
gcp Get current parallel pool
shutdown Shut down cloud cluster
start Start cloud cluster
wait (cluster) Wait for cloud cluster to change state
parallel.defaultClusterProfile Examine or set default cluster profile
parallel.exportProfile Export one or more profiles to file
parallel.importProfile Import cluster profiles from file
saveProfile Save modified cluster properties to its current profile
saveAsProfile Save cluster properties to specified profile
pctconfig Configure settings forParallel Computing Toolboxclient session


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parallel.Pool Parallel pool of workers
parallel.Cluster Access cluster properties and behaviors
pctRunOnAll Run command on client and all workers in parallel pool

Examples and How To

Cluster Setup

Deep Learning
