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Radio Management

Configure radio using block and System object™ settings

Before transmitting and receiving radio signals, first apply radio hardware parameters and tune radio properties.


setsdruip Set IP address forUSRPN2xx or X3xx series radio
info USRP radio information
referenceLockedStatus Lock status of USRP radio to 10 MHz clock signal
gpsLockedStatus Lock status of GPSDO to GPS constellation


comm.SDRuReceiver Receive data fromUSRPdevice
comm.SDRuTransmitter Send data toUSRPdevice


SDRu Receiver Receive data fromUSRPdevice
SDRu Transmitter Send data toUSRPdevice



Common Problems and Fixes

Describes the most common errors encountered withCommunications Toolbox™ Support Package for USRP Radioand how to fix them.