
versión (37.6 KB) por Ben Goddard
Allows automatic generation of UML class diagram

4,3K descargas

Actualizada21 Mar 2020

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UMLgui allows the automatic creation of UML class diagrams. Running UMLgui opens the gui. You can then use the four buttons under the main panel to add directories, or directories and their (recursive) subdirectories, as well as deleting selected directories, or clearing the whole list.

Various view options are available, the most significant being the Tree Layout, which is either `Aesthetic', producing a branching tree structure, or `Compact', which produces a much more compact but less visually appealing tree.

Clicking the `Create UML diagram' button creates both an eps and pdf file of the diagram. The output file can either be entered manually, or selected via a browser.

Support is included for classes with multiple superclasses, but due to the potential non-planar nature of the graph, all but the first superclass are joined to the class by straight arrows.

Two very basic examples included in /AnimalExample and /AnimalFruitExample (and subdirectories). The latter demonstrates support for packages.

也有可能to create a script to bypass the gui; see makeAnimalDiagram.m and makeAnimalFruitDiagram.m for an examples.

Citar como

Ben Goddard (2022).UMLgui(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado.

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2017b
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux

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UMLgui_1_2 /动画alExample

UMLgui_1_2 /动画alExample/Birds

UMLgui_1_2 /动画alExample/Mammals

UMLgui_1_2 /动画alFruitExample

UMLgui_1_2 /动画alFruitExample/+fruit

UMLgui_1_2 /动画alFruitExample/Birds

UMLgui_1_2 /动画alFruitExample/Mammals