Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Export of Figures

versión 1.9.0 (807 KB) por Juerg Schwizer
Converts 3D and 2D MATLAB plots to the scalable vector format (SVG).

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Actualizada23 Apr 2021

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Nota del editor:This file was a File ExchangePick of the Week

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Export of Figures

Converts 2D & 3D Matlab plots to the scalable vector format (SVG). This format is specified by W3C ( and can be viewed and printed with internet browsers.

添加preliminary support of filter, clipping, and tickmark extensions that go beyond the Matlab functionality. SVG filters are a great tool to create stylish plots! Try it out! Before you start using this new features have a look at the tutorial.

Editors for the SVG file format can be found at

> plot2svg % opens a file dialog to plot the active figure
> plot2svg('myfile.svg', figure handle, pixelfiletype)

pixelfiletype = 'png' (default), 'jpg'

Supported Features
- line, patch, contour, contourf, quiver, surf, ...
- markers
- image (saved as linked png pictures)
- grouping of elements
- alpha values for patches
- subplot
- colorbar
- legend
- zoom
- reverse axes
- controls are saved as png pictures
- log axis scaling
- axis scaling factors (10^x)
- labels that contain Latex commands are interpreted (with some limitations):
\alpha, \Alpha, \beta, \Beta, ... \infity, \pm, \approx
{\it.....} for italic text
{\bf.....} for bold text
^{...} for superscript
_{...} for subscript

How to use SVG files in HTML code

- Does not support figure objects that have been introduced for > Matlab R2014b
- axis scaling factors for 3D axes
- 3D plot functionality limited (depth sorting, light)

Citar como

Juerg Schwizer (2022).Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Export of Figures(, GitHub. Recuperado.

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2012b
Compatible con cualquier versión hasta R2014a
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux

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