How to check which cluster (connected component) a point belongs to in a binary image?

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ramin bba
ramin bba on 15 Dec 2014
Answered: Image Analyst on 15 Dec 2014
I have a binary image that has some clusters in it. I also have a code ( // ) that allows me to find the connected objects in it. Here is my question:
Given a set of points, how can I efficiently find which cluster (connected component) each point belongs to?

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 15 Dec 2014
Let's say you have some row and column coordinate/location that you're interested in finding out which blob (labeled component) that point belongs to. It's very easy - it's just the labeled image value at that point.
row = 42;% Whatever....
col = 123;% Whatever...
labeledImage = bwlabel(binaryImage);
blobNumber = labeledImage(row, column);

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