
3 views (last 30 days)
Bob on 30 Nov 2011
I'm stuck on a certain problem I'm trying to solve.
I'm running a for loop with an array of 90 values. These values are passed to a function I created. I need to record every value that the function produces (I'm thinking within an array). I just cannot seem to work out how to do that.
I also have another for loop running with another 90 values, passed to the same function and need to do the same with these values.
The 2 sets of data then need to be put into a 2D array (I also can't seem to work this part out either). Am I best getting each data set into separate arrays first? Then into a 2D array? Am I also correct that these two data sets cannot be put into a 2D array unless they are the same size?
1 Comment
Robert Cumming
Robert Cumming on 30 Nov 2011
show us what you;ve tried - you'll get better help that way.

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Answers (1)

Wayne King
Wayne King on 30 Nov 2011
There's no reason why you can't assign the output of a function to an array
% initialize an array
A = zeros(100,2);
fornn = 1:100
(nn, 1) = times(nn,nn+1);
A(nn,2) = sum(1:nn);
Is this what you asking?
Wayne King
Wayne King on 30 Nov 2011
Given that I know absolutely nothing about your function(), I cannot possibly speculate on what the function is doing.

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