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Line Simplification

version (6.03 KB) by Wolfgang Schwanghart
Recursive Douglas-Peucker Polyline Simplification (Iterative Endpoint Fit)


Updated13 Jul 2010

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Editor's Note:This file was selected as MATLAB CentralPick of the Week

dpsimplify使用递归Douglas-Peucker线simplification algorithm to reduce the number of vertices in a polyline according to a specified tolerance. The algorithm is also know as Iterative Endpoint Fit algorithm. dpsimplify can handle polylines and polygones in 2d and higher dimensions.

The submission now contains another m-file (dpsimplify_octave.m) that has been slightly modified to run with GNU Octave.


[ps,ix] = dpsimplify(p,tol)

where p is a nxm matrix that contains n vertices in m dimensions.

For additional information on the algorithm follow this link

Cite As

Wolfgang Schwanghart (2022).Line Simplification(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2007b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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