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version (7.46 KB) by Otto Manneberg
GUI for displaying image stacks, e.g. time-resolved or z-stacked microscopy images.


Updated01 Sep 2011

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GUI for displaying image stacks, either from a 3D array given as indata or from a tiff, lsm, or other stack chosen by the user.

NOTE: StackSlider uses tiffread to import stacks from files. Tiffread can be downloaded for free

The GUI features changing of the displayed frame with either a slider or editbox, user-settable colormap, and two smoothing options: Gaussian and averaging (disk) filters. Both smoothing options can be controlled (filter radius and standard deviation of the gaussian) in the GUI. A "reset all" button does exactly what you'd think, and a "make figure" button pops a new figure containing the currently viewed frame including smoothing.

Not the coolest thing ever, I know, but I figured someone might find it useful...

Cite As

Otto Manneberg (2022).StackSlider(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2010b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired by:41 Complete GUI Examples

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