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Flash Card

version (317 KB) by Samuel Cheng
It is a simple flash card program that randomly display an image from a specific folder.


Updated12 Mar 2012

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Basically, the program opens any folder with images and randomly display one image. A user can increase or decrease the future occurrence of the image. The program is inspired by the android app AnyMemo. But I have poor memory for faces and I wrote this mainly to help me memorizing acquaintances. So I need something that can display cards out of images instead of just plain text. Of course, you may use it to memorize other visual objects such as animals, plants, flags, etc. As an example, I created a folder with flags of G20 countries.

Yeah, I definitely realize that it is an overkill way of using matlab. But why not? :)

Cite As

Samuel Cheng (2022).Flash Card(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2011a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux
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