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version (8.63 KB) by Nikolay S.
Returns cell array of file names located under input folders.


Updated22 Apr 2013

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This functions goal is to return a cell array of names of files located under user defined folders. The input should be a cell array of parent directories. The function also supports input of a single directory name string. Absolute file path is used, replacing the relative path.
用户可以通过启用“ flaggui”输入来选择使用OS Explorer-的文件或目录。
Changing folders or Matlab path during run time is also a bad thing- it takes more time and can cause unwanted effects in Matlab environment.
Therefore I've written my implementation, witch, I believe, has some advantages over methods proposed earlier:
- It is not recursive but iterative.
- It does not changes the current folder (not using cd command).
- 它使用“ LS”函数,该功能应该比“ DIR”函数更快。
- According to some measurements I've made it runs faster the the alternatives.
- I also believe is is clearly written, so it should be easy to understand and maintain.
- It supports wildCards.

Cite As

Nikolay S. (2022).文件夹树文件列表(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

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