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The carpetplot class

version (376 KB) by Matthias
Create carpet plots and cheater plots easily
1 Rating


Updated30 May 2013

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The carpetplot class is a tool to create four variable carpet plots and three variable cheater plots. It supports different kind of input data and some additional features like...

- Support for scattered data
- Support for matrix input
- Interpolation of points
- A set of pre defined styles
- Labels
- Adding constraints
- Coordinate system transformation
- Multiple carpet plots support
- Filled Contours
- Set and Get functions for all
- Lattice plots

Cite As

Matthias (2021).The carpetplot class(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

Comments and Ratings (7)

Neil Farvolden

Keep getting the same error,

Error in arrow (line 423)
ax = o * gca;


It won't plot. It runs but nothing pops up

Aaron Groom


I am trying to run your examples but I get errors every time they try run.

% Example 1: Create a simple cheater plot with matrix input data.
% a = 1:0.25:2; b=1:20:100;
% [A B] = meshgrid(a, b);
% Y = A.*B;
% o = carpetplot(A, B, Y);
% label(o, 'A-Axis', 'B-Axis')

This returns:

Undefined operator '*' for input arguments of
type ''.

Error in arrow (line 423)
ax = o * gca;

Error in carpetplot/plabel (line 2910)
obj.axis{nAxis}.arrowHandle =

Error in carpetplot/label (line 2118)

Whilst with the same input data, if I just run :

o = carpetplot(A, B, Y, 'spline');

The following error results:

Error using plot3
Error in color/linetype argument.

Error in carpetplot/cplot (line 1820)
obj.axis{1}.lineHandles =

Error in carpetplot (line 887)

Help is greatly appreciated



i'm getting a following error

Undefined operator '*' for input arguments of type ''.
Error in arrow (line 423)
ax = o * gca;
Error in carpetplot/plabel (line 2908)
obj.axis{nAxis}.arrowHandle = arrow([pDataX(1,1) pDataY(1,1)],[pDataX(1,end)
Error in carpetplot/alabel (line 2068)
Error in mk (line 25)

Alejandro Quintero

I´m on the R2013a and every time I try to use this package it seems that the tool carpetplot is not installed. I need urgent help.

Bryan Morrisey

Great package, but I'm getting an error when trying to label the plot using label(). I'm on R2014b.

Undefined function 'mtimes' for input arguments of type

Error in arrow (line 424)
ax = o * gca;

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2012b
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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