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version (8.1 KB) by Dennis A. Dean, II, Ph.D.
A flexible EDF file loader for accessing header information and signal data.



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An efficient EDF loader is provided that allow the user several options for accessing header and signal information stored in an EDF file.

User can select specific signals and specific 30 second epochs to return, which are used in sleep applications.

header = blockEdfLoad(edfFN)
[header, signalHeader] = blockEdfLoad(edfFN)
[header, signalHeader, signalCell] = blockEdfLoad(edfFN)
[header, signalHeader, signalCell] = blockEdfLoad(edfFN, signalLabels)
[header, signalHeader, signalCell] = blockEdfLoad(edfFN, signalLabels, epochs)

Cite As

Dennis A. Dean, II, Ph.D. (2022).blockEdfLoad(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2013a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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