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Keplerian Orbit

version 1.0.7 (145 KB) by Peter Szabó
A program for computation an orbit of a satellite by third Kepler law.


Updated02 Nov 2019

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This contribution contains an algorithm to calculate the orbit of a satellite according to the third law of Kepler and Newton's law of gravitation.
The program loads input data from a file of type two-line elements (TLE).
An input TLE file:

TLE file type, information about satellite skCUBE is described in the following article:
Szabó, P., Gombíková, K., Ferencová, M. and Košuda, M.:"Keplerian Orbit and Satellite skCUBE",
2019 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD), pp. 174-179, IEEE,

This program is a part of a diploma thesis. Author and title of thesis:
Katarína Gombíková: MATLAB for flight engineers (2020).

Cite As

Peter Szabó and Katarína Gombíková (2019). Keplerian Orbit (//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved July 11, 2019.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2019b
Compatible with R2018b and later releases
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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