
These functions convert RGB color triplets to hexadecimal format, or hexadecimal format to RGB color triplets.



rgb2hex(rgb) hex2rgb(hex) hex2rgb(hex,range)


rgb2hex(rgb)converts RGB color triplets to hexadecimal format. If no value in thergbmatrix exceeds unity, values are assumed to be scaled from 0 to 1. If any value inrgbexceeds unity, values are assumed to be scaled from 0 to 255.

hex2rgb(hex)converts hexadecimal to rgb color triplets scale from 0 to 1.

hex2rgb(hex,range)specifies a range as 1 or 256 for scaling output RGB values. A previous version of this function required a range of 255 when scaling from 0 to 255, but letting range equal 256 may be more intuitive, so either input will work now. Whether you enter a range of 255 or 256, RGB values will be scaled from 0 to 255. Default range is 1 to Matlab syntax, meaning values are scaled from 0 to 1.

Examples ofrgb2hex

What is the hexadecimal value of pure green?

greenHex = rgb2hex([0 1 0])
greenHex = #00FF00

What if the rgb values are scaled from 0 to 255?

greenHexIsStill = rgb2hex([0 255 0])
greenHexIsStill = #00FF00

This function works for multiple entries too:

myrgbvalues = [.2 .3 .4; .5 .6 .7; .8 .6 .2; .2 .2 .9]; myhexvalues = rgb2hex(myrgbvalues)
myhexvalues = #334D66 #8099B3 #CC9933 #3333E6

Or similarly,

ans = #0080FF #00FFFF #80FF80 #FFFF00 #FF8000

Examples ofhex2rgb

Saysome online color programgives you some hex value that you'd like to use in your next Matlab plot. The number'#334D66'is something that Matlab can understand, so we usehex2rgb:

ans = 0.2000 0.3020 0.4000

Thehex2rgbfunction may also be used inside aplotcommand:


The pound sign is optional:

myrgbvalue = hex2rgb('334D66')
myrgbvalue = 0.2000 0.3020 0.4000

Values may be scaled from 0 to 255:

myRGBvalue = hex2rgb('#334D66',256)
myRGBvalue = 51 77 102

Input hex values can be in a matrix:

myhexvalues = ['#334D66';'#8099B3';'#CC9933';'#3333E6']; myrgbvalues = hex2rgb(myhexvalues)
myrgbvalues = 0.2000 0.3020 0.4000 0.5020 0.6000 0.7020 0.8000 0.6000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.9020

Input hex values may also be in a character array:

HexValsAsACharacterArray = {'#334D66';'#8099B3';'#CC9933';'#3333E6'}; rgbvals = hex2rgb(HexValsAsACharacterArray)
rgbvals = 0.2000 0.3020 0.4000 0.5020 0.6000 0.7020 0.8000 0.6000 0.2000 0.2000 0.2000 0.9020

Character arrays can be useful when plotting and labelling:

x = 1:4; y = -x; scatter(x,y,1e3,rgbvals,'filled') axis([0 5 -5 0]) text(x,y,HexValsAsACharacterArray,'horizontalalignment','center')

Author Info

These functions were written by Chad A. Greene of the University of Texas at Austin's Institute for Geophysics (UTIG2014年4月。在advice fromStephen Cobeldick, some changes were made in August 2014. Functionality has not changed with these updates, but the functions are now faster and more robust. Thanks Stephen.