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Ryan Livingston

Last seen: 6 days ago|Active since 2012


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Matlab Coder force boolean_T to be native C99 bool type
This is question was asked on StackOverflow:

2 months ago | 0

MATLAB crashed when running MATLAB Coder.
It looks like you are hitting a bug in MATLAB Coder. Could you please report it via Technical Support so the development team ca...

6 months ago | 2


dde23 use in MATLAB coder for MEX files
Unfortunately the dde functions do not support code generation. I've made an internal note of your request so we can consider th...

7 months ago | 0


How to define lower limit at while code generation?
There is unfortunately no way to define a lower bound for a size. In this case, if you define the upper bound, Coder will assume...

7 months ago | 1


StackData macro not generated for C++
It is by design that the typedef guards are not present in C++. The use case you describe here is not one we had in mind for the...

1年前| 0


Automatic code generation of c++ code from matlab functions
There is not an option to return arrays as a return value from the generated functions. The documentation describes the expected...

1年前| 0

Embedded Coder give uncompilable code using dynamic arrays
This is a bug and has been reported to our development team. In addition to the postprocessing workaround suggested by Glenn, yo...

1年前| 0

C code generation symbols not found linker error
In your ZIP file you'll notice files cg_imadjust.c, cg_imadjust_interminate.c that also need to be compiled and linked. main.c c...

2 years ago | 0

How to write data to text file on raspberry pi using matlab
The MATLAB functions fopen, fprintf, fclose all support code generation. They use the C runtime library so they can run on the R...

2 years ago | 0


Can I access an external (const) array within generated C++ code without copying the contents into a local array?
With Embedded Coder you can use the function coder.storageClass to pull in that array as an imported extern global variable: fu...

2 years ago | 0


Integrating Matlab Coder with c#
In addition to Bill's answer, generating the interface binding the generated C code to C# with something like SWIG is also an op...

2 years ago | 1


Equivalent command of "-M" at MCC in CODER GUI
There's no built-in way to pass a resource file to MATLAB Coder. You may be able to achieve this by adding the resource file as ...

2 years ago | 1

Matlab Coder Windows -> Linux cross-compilation
Check out: // That links to a...

2 years ago | 2


Codegen: Remove date in header file
The CodeTemplate setting allows you to customize this. Here's an example: //

2 years ago | 0


Is there a version switch for codegen?
Use coder.const to forcibly constant fold the extrinsic call to verLessThan if coder.const(verLessThan('matlab', '9.1')) %...

2 years ago | 1


Matlab Coder Memory usage
Without specifics of your project it's hard to give precise suggestions. The MATLAB Coder documentation has a performance sectio...

3 years ago | 0

Raspberry does not write in a created file
This is because of a bug in the Raspberry Pi system command in codegen. It doesn't trim the output to the proper size and instea...

3 years ago | 2


Compile a C code on a Raspberry Pi with a library generated with Matlab C Coder
生成的代码不应该depending on the headers emlrt.h, matrix.h etc. Those are only available when running in MATLAB...

3 years ago | 0


Converting Matlab code with a function handle within a structure to C/C++
Function handles, and values containing them, are not supported as inputs and outputs from entry-point functions. As a workaroun...

3 years ago | 1


Matlab Coder: How can ich define the inputs of a Mex file I want to generate if the input is a cell containing several strcuts?
If you have a variable that represents this cell array, call it cellVar, then you can use that to define by example in the Coder...

3 years ago | 0


function coder.newtype not supported for code genertion
Can you elaborate on where you used coder.newtype? If using the codegen command you can: codegen myFunction -args {coder.typeof...

3 years ago | 1

Is there a way to disable line wrapping in generated C code from MATLAB Coder?
Edit As of MATLAB R2018b you can use the coder.EmbeddedCodeConfig setting ColumnLimit to control line wrapping in the generated...

3 years ago | 2


C++ code generated by Matlab coder too slow
If the bottleneck in the generated code is in fft or other MATLAB builtin functions, I'd suggest taking a look at this answer: ...

3 years ago | 1


Coder: Create a Makefile for Linux from Windows.
Unfortunately there is not a good way to achieve this with MATLAB Coder today. We've made an internal note of your request so we...

3 years ago | 0


Compile ODE solver with parameterized function
As of MATLAB R2016b, code generation with MATLAB Coder supports anonymous functions: //

3 years ago | 1


How to use varargout function with matlab coder?
Starting in MATLAB R2017b, MATLAB Coder supports varargout in entry-point functions. The documentation: https://www.mathworks.c...

3 years ago | 0


Error in generating code with custom FFT library in Matlab Coder
This is a bug in the generated code: // As shown in the bug report, it was f...

3 years ago | 0


Using hetrogenous cells for code generation
You can do this assuming that |nParams| is a compile-time constant. For example: codegen cellExample -args coder.Constant(4...

3 years ago | 0


Examples showing how to use SWIG to wrap MATLAB Coder generated C and C++ code for other languages

3 years ago | 2 downloads |

How to debug generated mex codes
*Moved from comment* To debug generated MEX code, just pass the -g option to codegen and that will compile a debug MEX file. You...

3 years ago | 0

