我们如何将MATLAB和ASPEN交换器的设计和评级搭配? shows the ID for Aspen Plus. I do not k...

5 days ago | 0

set Anonymous function through a series of matrix for "lsqcurvefit" or "lsqnonlin"
k = 1:10; row vector of length 10 F = @(x,k) [2, 2, exp(k*x(1)), exp(k*x(2))] * [1; k; -1; -1] % same as above equati...

5 days ago | 0

Program code for convolution
nlfilter() a function that converts to double, does element-wise multiplication, and sums.

5 days ago | 0

How to solve symbolic and trigonometric equations simultaneous, two unknowns
d == atand((tanh(2*alpha*tan(gamma)+1)+tan(gamma))/(tan(gamma)-tanh(gamma)+2*alpha)) take tand() of both sides of that, get...

5 days ago | 0

Reading a set of numeric values from 100s of .txt files inside a folder
foldername = 'SimResults'; dinfo = dir( fullfile(foldername, '*.txt')); filenames = {}; nfiles = length(filenames);...

5 days ago | 0


Get the filename of a loaded file
filename = '\Data_record_file_20220714T121615.mat'; load(filename); [~, basename, ~] = fileparts(filename); title( "Analy...

5 days ago | 1

Converting binary to image file
The contents of the file are already characters. You do not need to +'0': you only +'0' if the content is numeric 0 and 1 rather...

5 days ago | 0

transformedImage(row, col, :) = app.newImage(rowNew, colNew, :); % THIS WONT WORK W/ A PARFOR LOOP Change that to...

6 days ago | 1

my program is not stop. please help
tic syms c h k c11=106.8; c33=54.57; c13=9.68; c15=0.28; c35=-1.69; c55=25.05; r1=2727; l=2.46; u=5.66; r2=7800; i...

6 days ago | 0



6 days ago | 0


fastest way to create an array with 1 and 0 with a given probability
C code. preallocate the logical output. Call a function getting a 32 bit intege...

6 days ago | 0

App designer: serialport blocks assignin?
You are mistaken. The result of assignin() happen immediately, before the next operation. What does not happen immediately is...

6 days ago | 0

Plot duration vertical line
See xline() and yline()

6 days ago | 0


Setting Zero to a specific color in 3D surface plot
y = data(2:end,1) ; x = data(1,2:end) ; Z = data(2:end,2:end) ; C = sign(Z); warp(x, y, Z, C) caxis([-1 1]) ...

6 days ago | 1


hi there i want to get the values of A1,A2,A2,Q1,Q2,Q3 , i have six equations and six initial conditions as Xo, Vo kindly suggest me solution
for i = 1:1:3 x{i} = U(i,1)*A1*cos(w2(1,1)*t + Q1) + U(i,2)*A2*cos(w2(2,2)*t + Q2) +U(i,3)*A3*cos(w2(3,3)*t + Q3); ...

6 days ago | 0


in your r2019b release add the readable option 'PreserveVariableNames', true and use t.('BLF File Name') Note that Preserv...

6 days ago | 0


I'm getting this error as shown below
function [Xkr] = DFT(xn) N = length(xn); %frame size Xk = complex(zeros(1,N)); %array size xn Xkr = zeros(1,N); ...

6 days ago | 0

How to read excel data include specific word? cell?
It is not possible to read rows selectively, other than by consecutive position. You will need to do something such as mask = ...

6 days ago | 0

How can I normalize one input for Patch across a subplot?
Use coordinates -inf and +inf . Then you can copyobj . Then in the copied object you can use max( min(YCoordinates, YUpperBoun...

6 days ago | 0


Periodic input to ODE solver
No, that violates the mathematics that the solver uses. You need to stop the function every time there is a discontinuity and re...

6 days ago | 0

Constructing class objects before the parfor loop
It is valid to construct objects and use them in parfor loops. However, the mechanism used is that the objects are effectivel...

6 days ago | 0


convert Char to string type

7 days ago | 0


insert values of one table into another table if 1
temp(table1{:,1}) = table2{:, 1}; Then array2table(temp) and provide the appropriate variable name

7 days ago | 0


Error integrating when the function handle is an integral: "Limits of integration must be scalars"
"However, I don't see why there is a problem if y,z will be evaluated as scalars" But they will not be. integral always passe...

7 days ago | 0


Using different X-axis in trapz
No, there is no built-in tool for that . Have you considered applying a rotation and translation ? makehgtform is convenient ...

7 days ago | 0


I have a .bin file (having only 0's and 1's). And I want to consider 2 bits of the data from the file at a time in an iterative manner till all of the digits are read.
twobits = fread(fid, [1 2], 'uchar'); This will not be efficient. Unless you have reason to expect that you might run out o...

7 days ago | 0

Error in the simultaneous use of contourf and geolimits
使用contourm()和“填充”选项也许contourf() is just contour() with fill, not a different computation

7 days ago | 0

Just round-off error. You are calculating two different order of operations and that affects the results . If you use M = sym...

7 days ago | 1

How to covert .fis to .c
// convert the fis to a structure . save the structure . I...

7 days ago | 1

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