
Flip the diagonal values
Write a program that flip the elements of main diagonal , upper and lower diagonal values of a sqare matrix. For example if a ...

5 months ago


Mann-Kendall Correlation
Write a function that returns the correlati...

7 months ago


Find the slope

7 months ago


Draw matrix 'Swiss flag'( Euro 2020)
Draw a x-by-x matrix 'Swiss flag' using '0' and '1'.(x is odd and bigger than 4) Example x=5 ...

9 months ago


Draw a x-by-x matrix British flag (Euro 2020)
Draw a x-by-x matrix 'British flag' using '0' and '1'.(x is odd and bigger than 4) x = 5 answer = [0 0 1 0 0 ...

9 months ago


remove numbers from a string
check the given string for any case one is found,remove it.but the two portions should be separated. if more than one...

9 months ago


Draw a x-by-x matrix 'Denmark flag'(Euro(2020)
Draw a x-by-x matrix 'Denmark flag' using '4' and '1'.(x is odd and bigger than 4) Number 4: Caption S.Kjær and number 1: K.S...

9 months ago


Matrix Indexing
Given a matrix A and scalars r,c,i, find the product of two elements, with the first element located at row r and column c (doub...

9 months ago


Regardless of input, output the string 'OHYEAH'.

9 months ago


Angular Velocity

9 months ago


Period of a pendulum

9 months ago


Upper case and lower case!

9 months ago


Volume of Cylindrical Shell

9 months ago


Area of Cylindrical Shell

9 months ago


balance vector
Given a non-empty vector x with integer elements. x shall be called balance vector if one can split the elements of x into two g...

9 months ago


Map all the indices of an Array Indices into a Vector giving Index vs Row and Column
Create an array of the row and column values for the indices of an array. This is typically performed using [r c]=ind2sub(siz...

9 months ago


Find the missing numbers.
Total *N* numbers are in the series of natural numbers ( *1,2,3,...,N* ). The input is an array (unsorted) of those natural num...

9 months ago


The other half of the Fibonacci sequence
The — F = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,...

9 months ago


The twelve days of Christmas
Traditionally there are twelve days of Christmas to celebrate ("Twelvetide"), typically starting with Christmas Day (25 December...

9 months ago


short or buy ? take the opportunity
you had already calculated a theoretical stock value, now you checked in bloomberg the quoted price of that stock and you have t...

9 months ago


Counting Squares
An algorithm starts with a single square and on each of its next iterations adds new squares all around the outside as shown bel...

9 months ago


About tetration.

9 months ago


Calculate time taken by light to reach earth surface
We know the time(seconds) taken by light to reach surface of earth. What if the distance varies yearly or source of light moves ...

9 months ago


Say type of roots in quadratic equation
Given the coefficients of a quadratic equation, write a function that gives the output y='RealDifferent' if the roots are real a...

9 months ago


Alternating 1´s and 0´s in a matrix
Given an odd number n, write a function that creates a matrix y with dimension nxn alternating 1's and 0's, and starting with 1 ...

9 months ago


Get the mean digit
编写一个函数,gives the mean digit (round towards nearest integer) of an input and positive number. For example: x ...

9 months ago


Write a function that combines two lists by alternating the elements, e.g. ['a','b','c'], ['1','2','3'] → 'a1b2c3'.

9 months ago


Find argmax of a function
You are given vectors x and y (=f(x)). Return the element of x for which f(x) is maximized.

9 months ago


Calculate the volume of a cone
Calculate the volume of a cone given an array containing one column of radii and one column of the height of the cone. * Reme...

9 months ago


Find The Difference
Vector x is given.calculate the difference between the biggest and the smallest number that we can create from elements of x. f...

9 months ago

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