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Planning and Control

Vehicle costmaps, optimal RRT* path planning, lateral and longitudinal controllers

Automated Driving Toolbox™ provides several features that support path planning and vehicle control.

  • To plan driving paths, you can use a vehicle costmap and the optimal rapidly exploring random tree (RRT*) motion-planning algorithm. You can also check the validity of the path, smooth the path, and generate a velocity profile along the path.

  • To design vehicle control systems, you can use lateral and longitudinal controllers that enable autonomous vehicles to follow a planned trajectory.


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vehicleCostmap Costmap representing planning space around vehicle
vehicleDimensions Store vehicle dimensions
checkFree Check vehicle costmap for collision-free poses or points
checkOccupied Check vehicle costmap for occupied poses or points
getCosts Get cost value of cells in vehicle costmap
setCosts Set cost value of cells in vehicle costmap
inflationCollisionChecker Collision-checking configuration for costmap based on inflation
pathPlannerRRT Configure RRT* path planner
plan Plan vehicle path using RRT* path planner
checkPathValidity Check validity of planned vehicle path
driving.Path Planned vehicle path
interpolate Interpolate poses along planned vehicle path
smoothPathSpline Smooth vehicle path using cubic spline interpolation
lateralControllerStanley Compute steering angle command for path following by using Stanley method


Path Smoother Spline Smooth vehicle path using cubic spline interpolation
Velocity Profiler Generate velocity profile of vehicle path given kinematic constraints
Lateral Controller Stanley Control steering angle of vehicle for path following by using Stanley method
Longitudinal Controller Stanley Control longitudinal velocity of vehicle by using Stanley method
