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Code Generation, GPU, and Third-Party Support

C/C++ and GPU code generation and acceleration, HDL code generation, and OpenCV interface for MATLAB and Simulink

MATLAB Coder™,Simulink Coder™, andEmbedded Coder™generate ANSI-compliant C/C++ code and standalone executables from Computer Vision Toolbox™ functions that support C/C++ code generation.

TheGPU Codergenerates CUDA®code and standalone executables for functions that support GPU code generation. Computer Vision Toolbox also includes functions that can automatically run on a GPU. This support requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™.

Computer Vision Toolbox provides an OpenCV Interface C++ API and an optical character recognition (OCR) language data files support package. Use the API for integrating OpenCV C++ code into MATLAB®. You can also use this support package to build MEX files that call OpenCV functions.
