PicoScope 2000 Series MATLAB Generic Instrument Driver

version (779 KB) by Pico Technology
MATLAB Instrument Driver for use with PicoScope 2000 Series oscilloscopes (Beta Release)


UpdatedTue, 25 Sep 2018 12:06:35 +0000

From GitHub


This MATLAB® Generic Instrument Driver allows a user to acquire block and streaming data from the PicoScope® 2000 Series Oscilloscopes and control in-built signal generator functionality. The data could be processed in MATLAB using functions from Toolboxes such as Signal Processing Toolbox.

Supported models:

* PicoScope 2204A & 2205A

The Instrument driver should also support the following products which are now obsolete:

* PicoScope 2104 & 2105
* PicoScope 2202
* PicoScope 2203, 2204 & 2205

For PicoScope 2205 MSO, 2205A MSO, 2206, 2206A/B/B MSO, 2207A/B/B MSO, 2208A/B/B MSO, 2405A, 2406B, 2407B and 2408B models, please use the PicoScope 2000 Series (A API) - MATLAB Generic Instrument Driver:


Cite As

Pico Technology (2022).PicoScope 2000 Series MATLAB Generic Instrument Driver(https://github.com/picotech/picosdk-ps2000-matlab-instrument-driver), GitHub. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2017a
Compatible with R2015b to R2017a
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired by:interface to Picoscope analyzer

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