Micromouse Contest

Micromouse比赛是一场游戏in which self-contained robots, made by participants, autonomously explore a maze (by themselves) and compete for the shortest time to reach the goal.

This contest started with the advice of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) in 1977 and was held annually as "All Japan Micromouse Contest" since 1980. As the first "Robocon" in Japan, the contest is the most historical robot competition in the world.

Currently it is a de facto world tournament, since many other high-tech robots come from other Asian countries, Europe, and the United States.

MathWorks supports this competition by providing tools in any of the following Micromouse leagues.

  • Micromouse Contest
  • Classicmouse Contest
  • 机器人竞赛

Students can take advantage of MATLAB, Simulink, Robotics System Toolbox, and other products to develop algorithms, test them in simulation, and deploy them to hardware.


MathWorks provides complimentary software for this competition. If your team is participating in this competition and needs software, fill out the software request form.


Student Tutorials and Videos

Learn how to use MATLAB and Simulink to design algorithms, create simulations, deploy code, and speed up software development for your projects.

Video Tutorials for Your Team


Learn by doing! Our two-hour online courses provide a hands-on learning environment where you will interact with a web-based version of MATLAB and receive instant and contextual feedback.


Physical Modeling Video Tutorials

Get started modeling, simulating, and analyzing automotive systems with these free training materials.

Mobile Robotics Training Videos

Learn to design and test autonomous robot algorithms using MATLAB and Simulink with these free training materials.

Code Generation Video Tutorials

了解如何将MATLAB功能和Simulink模型转换为C/C ++代码。万博1manbetx