

Compute steering angle command for path following by using Stanley method




The controller computes the steering angle command using the Stanley method[1], whose control law is based on a kinematic bicycle model. Use this controller for path following in low-speed environments, where inertial effects are minimal.


引导=外侧controllerstanley(refpose,Currpose,咖喱,名称,价值)specifies options using one or more name-value pairs. For example,侧面Concontrollerstanley(Refpose,Currpose,Currvelocity,“方向”, - 1)computes the steering angle command for a vehicle in reverse motion.



Compute the steering angle command that adjusts the current pose of a vehicle to a reference pose along a driving path. The vehicle is in forward motion.

In this example, you compute a single steering angle command. In path-following algorithms, compute the steering angle continuously as the pose and velocity of the vehicle change.

在路径上设置参考姿势。姿势处于位置(4.8 m,6.5 m),其方向角为2度。

refpose = [4.8,6.5,2];% [meters, meters, degrees]

设置车辆的当前姿势。姿势处于位置(2 m,6.5 m),其方向角为0度。将车辆的当前速度设置为每秒2米。

curpose = [2,6.5,0];% [meters, meters, degrees]咖喱= 2;%米 /秒

Compute the steering angle command. For the vehicle to match the reference pose, the steering wheel must turn 2 degrees counterclockwise.

SteercMD =侧面controllerstanley(refpose,currpose,咖喱)
引导= 2.0000

Compute the steering angle command that adjusts the current pose of a vehicle to a reference pose along a driving path. The vehicle is in reverse motion.

In this example, you compute a single steering angle command. In path-following algorithms, compute the steering angle continuously as the pose and velocity of the vehicle change.

在路径上设置参考姿势。The pose is at position (5 m, 9 m) and has an orientation angle of 90 degrees.

refpose= [5, 9, 90];% [meters, meters, degrees]

设置车辆的当前姿势。The pose is at position (5 m, 10 m) and has an orientation angle of 75 degrees.

Currpose= [5, 10, 75];% [meters, meters, degrees]

将车辆的当前速度设置为–2米 /秒。由于车辆正在反向运动,因此速度必须为负。

Currvelocity = -2;%米 /秒

Compute the steering angle command. For the vehicle to match the reference pose, the steering wheel must turn 15 degrees clockwise.

SteercMD =侧面Concontrollerstanley(Refpose,Currpose,Currvelocity,'方向',-1)
SteercMD = -15.0000




xy指定引导车辆朝向的参考点。θspecifies the orientation angle of the path at this reference point and is positive in the counterclockwise direction.

  • 对于向前运动的车辆,参考点是路径上最接近车辆前轴中心的路径上的点。

    Vehicle in forward motion with reference point on path marked. Units are in world coordinates.

  • 对于反向运动的车辆,参考点是路径最接近车辆后轴中心的路径上的点。


Data Types:single|双倍的



θspecifies the orientation angle of the vehicle at location (x,y) and is positive in the counterclockwise direction.


有关车辆姿势的更多详细信息,请参阅Coordinate Systems in Automated Driving Toolbox.

Data Types:single|双倍的

当前的纵向速度of the vehicle, specified as a real scalar. Units are in meters per second.

  • If the vehicle is in forward motion, then this value must be greater than 0.

  • If the vehicle is in reverse motion, then this value must be less than 0.

  • 值为0表示不在运动的车辆。

Data Types:single|双倍的

Name-Value Arguments

将可选的参数对Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, 在哪里Nameis the argument name and价值是相应的值。名称值参数必须在其他参数之后出现,但是对的顺序并不重要。

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and encloseNamein quotes.

例子:“ MaxSteeringAngle”,25


获得车辆的位置,specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of“位置”和一个积极的真实标量。该值确定位置误差影响转向角度的程度。典型值在[1,5]范围内。增加此值以增加转向角的大小。

车辆前轴和后轴之间的距离,分别为米,指定为逗号分隔对'Wheelbase'和a real scalar. This value applies only when the vehicle is in forward motion.



  • 值以下- maxSteeringAngleare set to- maxSteeringAngle.

  • 价值s aboveMaxSteeringAngleare set toMaxSteeringAngle.

Output Arguments




有关更多详细信息,请参阅Coordinate Systems in Automated Driving Toolbox.


To compute the steering angle command, the controller minimizes the position error and the angle error of the current pose with respect to the reference pose. The driving direction of the vehicle determines these error values.

When the vehicle is in forward motion ('方向'名称配对是1):

  • The位置错误是从前桥的中心到路径上的参考点的横向距离。

  • The角度误差是前轮相对于参考路径的角度。


  • The位置错误is the lateral distance from the center of the rear axle to the reference point on the path.

  • The角度误差是后轮相对于参考路径的角度。



[1] Hoffmann,Gabriel M.,Claire J. Tomlin,Michael Montemerlo和Sebastian Thrun。“越野驾驶的自动驾驶汽车轨迹跟踪:控制器设计,实验验证和赛车。”美国控制会议. 2007, pp. 2296–2301. doi:10.1109/ACC.2007.4282788

Extended Capabilities

C/C ++代码生成
使用MATLAB®CODER™生成C和C ++代码。

Version History

Introduced in R2018b