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version (5.21 KB) by M MA
Wind rose of direction and intensity


Updated17 Jun 2010

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D Directions
I Intensities
-dtype, type of input directions D, standard or meteo,
如果流星,转换dnew =国防部(90 - d, 360)is done;
if not meteo, standard is used (default)
-n, number of D subdivisons
-di, intensities subdivisons, default is automatic
-ci, percentage circles to draw, default is automatic
-labtitle, main title
-lablegend, legend title
-cmap, colormap [jet]
-colors, to use instead of colormap, for each di
-quad, Quadrant to show percentages [1]
-ri, empty internal radius, relative to size of higher
percentage [1/30]
-legtype, legend type: 1, continuous, 2, separated boxes [2]
-bcolor, full rectangle border color ['none']
-lcolor, line colors for axes and circles ['k']
-percbg, percentage labels bg ['w']
-ax, to place wind rose on pervious axes, the input for ax
must be [theax x y width], where theax is the previous
axes, x and y are the location and width is the wind
rose width relative to theax width (default=1/5)
-parent, by default a new axes is created unless parent is
given, ex, parent may be a subplot
-iflip, flip the intensities as they go outward radially, ie,
highest values are placed nearest the origin [{0} 1]
-inorm, normalize intensities, means all angles will have 100%
-incout, if 0, data outside di limits will not be used [0 {1}]

HANDLES Handles of all lines, fills, texts
DATA Wind rose occurences per direction and intensity

Cite As

M MA (2022).Wind_rose(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R13
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

Inspired:Wind Rose / Energy Rose,Wind Rose

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