
Convert angles to character array


str = angl2str(angle)
str = angl2str(angle,signcode)
str = angl2str(angle,signcode,units)
str = angl2str(angle,signcode,units,n)


str = angl2str(angle)converts a numerical vector of angles in degrees to a character array. The purpose of this function is to make angular-valued variables into character vectors suitable for map display.

str = angl2str(angle,signcode)specifies the method for indicating that a given angle is positive or negative, wheresigncodeis one of the following:

'ew' east/west notation; trailing 'e' (positive longitudes) or 'w' (negative longitudes)
'ns' north/south notation; trailing 'n' (positive latitudes) or 's' (negative latitudes)
'pm' plus/minus notation; leading '+' (positive angles) or '-' (negative angles)
'none' blank/minus notation; leading '-' for negative angles or sign omitted for positive angles (the default value)

str = angl2str(angle,signcode,units)specifies the units and the output format of the returned angle, using the following values:

Units Units of Angle Output Format
'degrees' degrees decimal degrees
'degrees2dm' degrees degrees + decimal minutes
'degrees2dms' degrees degrees + minutes + decimal seconds
'radians' radians decimal radians

str = angl2str(angle,signcode,units,n)uses the integernto control the number of significant digits provided in the output.nis the power of 10 representing the last place of significance in the number of degrees, minutes, seconds, or radians -- forunitsof'degrees','degrees2dm','degrees2dms', and'radians', respectively. For example, ifn = -2(the default),angl2strrounds to the nearest hundredth. Ifn = -0,angl2str轮到最近的整数. And ifn = 1,angl2strrounds to the tens place, although positive values ofnare of little practical use. Note that this sign convention fornis opposite to the one used by the MATLAB®roundfunction.


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Create a series of values for angles.

a = -3:1.5:3;

Convert the numeric values in DMS units, using the north-south format.

str = angl2str(a,'ns','degrees2dms',-3)
str =5x25 char array' 3^{\circ} 00' 00.000" S ' ' 1^{\circ} 30' 00.000" S ' ' 0^{\circ} 00' 00.000" ' ' 1^{\circ} 30' 00.000" N ' ' 3^{\circ} 00' 00.000" N '

These LaTeX strings are displayed (using thetextfunction) as follows:

x = [.1 .1 .1 .1 .1]; y = [.1 .2 .3 .4 .5]; text(x,y,str)

See Also


Introduced before R2006a