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Remove fields from header field array


fields = removeFields(fields,ids)removes all header fields matchingidsand returns the updated array.

Input Arguments

expand all

Header fields, specified as an array对象.

Names to match, specified as one of the following.

  • String vector, character vector, cell array of character vectors, or comma-separated list of strings or character vectors containing the names of the fields to remove. Names are not case-sensitive.

  • Vector or comma-separated list of one or moreHeaderField对象whoseNameproperties are used to determine which fields to remove. Names are not case-sensitive. Header field values are ignored.

  • Vector or comma-separated list ofmeta.class对象that are subclasses ofHeaderField.

    TheremoveFieldsmethod searches for names that match names supported by the specified classes, regardless of the class. If a subclass does not have a specific set of supported names, all header fields of that subclass are matched regardless of their names. Call theHeaderField.displaySubclassesmethod to see supported names.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a