
version 1.0.1 (1.6 KB) by Emmanuel Farhi
AT execute a command at given delay/time


Updated9 May 2019

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AT execute a command at given time
This command is in a way similar to the AT Linux/Unix command.
T = AT(DELAY, COMMAND) executes the command after the given delay, in seconds.
The DELAY can be a single number (in seconds), a date vector (6
values from e.g. datevec and clock), a string such as '07-Apr-2008 23:00:00'.
The COMMAND can be (see 'timer' documentation):
'code' a single string (matlab code),
@code(src,evnt, ...) a function handle with arguments source(timer),
event type, and optional arguments.

Example: at(10, 'disp hello')

Cite As

Emmanuel Farhi (2022).at(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved.

MATLAB Release Compatibility
Created with R2019a
Compatible with any release
Platform Compatibility
Windows macOS Linux

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