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MPC Signal Types

For MPC design purposes, signals are usually categorized into different input and output types. Typically you usesetmpcsignalsto specify, in your plant model, whether an input or output signal belongs to one of the following categories.


Theplant inputsare the independent variables affecting the plant. As shown inMPC Prediction Models, there are three types:

Measured disturbances

The controller can't adjust them, but uses them for feedforward compensation.

Manipulated variables

The controller adjusts these in order to achieve its goals.

Unmeasured disturbances

These are independent inputs of which the controller has no direct knowledge, and for which it must compensate.


Theplant outputsare the dependent variables (outcomes) you wish to control or monitor. As shown inMPC Prediction Models有两种类型:

Measured outputs

The controller uses these to estimate unmeasured quantities and as feedback on the success of its adjustments.


The controller estimates these based on available measurements and the plant model. The controller can also hold unmeasured outputs at setpoints or within constraint boundaries.

See Also

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