Cdata Help please i cant do it

조회 수: 4(최근 30일)
Jules Ray
Jules Ray 2014년 11월 11일
답변: Sean de Wolski 2014년 11월 11일
Hi all, I am trying to display a typical grey 'Delete Row', Icon on the uitoolbar. (Programmatically) But I cant find the proper value of 'CData' to be assigned.
Maybe somebody knows how to find the appropriate 'CData' and create the icon using uipushtool. I'm using this example from matlab help:
the help provided is too short :
h = figure('ToolBar','none')
ht = uitoolbar(h)
a = [.20:.05:0.95];
b(:,:,1) = repmat(a,16,1)';
b(:,:,2) = repmat(a,16,1);
b(:,:,3) = repmat(flipdim(a,2),16,1);
hpt = uipushtool(ht,'CData',b,'TooltipString','Hello')


Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2014년 11월 11일
CData is just a small image, you can use any image and you can resize images if necessary with imresize in the Image Processing Toolbox.
For example:
I = imread('peppers.png');
Icon = imresize(I,[16 16])
h = figure('ToolBar','none')
ht = uitoolbar(h)
hpt = uipushtool(ht,'CData',Icon,'TooltipString','Hello')



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