버전 (4.59 KB) 작성자: Ashish Sadanandan
CSVIMPORT reads the specified CSV file and stores the contents in a cell array or matrix.

다운로드수: 22.6K

업데이트 날짜:2011/8/18

라이선스 보기

CSVIMPORT reads the specified CSV file and stores the contents in a cell array or matrix

The file can contain any combination of text & numeric values. Output data format will vary
depending on the exact composition of the file data.

CSVIMPORT( fileName ): fileName - String specifying the CSV file to be read. Set to
[] to interactively select the file.

CSVIMPORT( fileName, ... ) : Specify a list of options to be applied when importing the CSV file.
The possible options are:
delimiter - String to be used as column delimiter. Default
value is , (comma)
columns - String or cell array of strings listing the columns
from which data is to be extracted. If omitted data
from all columns in the file is imported. If file
does not contain a header row, the columns
parameter can be a numeric array listing column
indices from which data is to be extracted.
outputAsChar - true / false value indicating whether the data
should be output as characters. If set to false the
function attempts to convert each column into a
numeric array, it outputs the column as characters
if conversion of any data element in the column
fails. Default value is false.
uniformOutput - true / false value indicating whether output can be
returned without encapsulation in a cell array.
This parameter is ignored if the columns / table
cannot be converted into a matrix.
noHeader - true / false value indicating whether the CSV
file's first line contains column headings. Default
value is false.
ignoreWSpace - true / false value indicating whether to ignore
leading and trailing whitespace in the column
headers; ignored if noHeader is set to true.
Default value is false.

The parameters must be specified in the form of param-value pairs, parameter names are not
case-sensitive and partial matching is supported.

[C1 C2 C3] = CSVIMPORT( fileName, 'columns', {'C1', 'C2', C3'}, ... )
This form returns the data from columns in output variables C1, C2 and C3 respectively, the
column names are case-sensitive and must match a column name in the file exactly. When fetching
data in column mode the number of output columns must match the number of columns to read or it
must be one. In the latter case the data from the columns is returned as a single cell matrix.

[C1 C2 C3] = CSVIMPORT( fileName, 'columns', [1, 3, 4], ,'noHeader', true, ... )
This form returns the data from columns in output variables C1, C2 and C3 respectively, the
columns parameter must contain the column indices when the 'noHeader' option is set to true.

Notes: 1. Function has not been tested on badly formatted CSV files.
2. Created using R2007b but has been tested on R2006b.

인용 양식

Ashish Sadanandan (2022).CSVIMPORT(//www.tianjin-qmedu.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/23573-csvimport), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨.

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2007b
모든 릴리스와 호환
플랫폼 호환성
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