
버전 (1.51 KB) 작성자: Bill McDonald
Write STL file from surface data.

다운로드 수: 21.4K

업데이트 날짜:2004/2/24

라이선스 없음

편집자 메모:This file was selected as MATLAB CentralPick of the Week

SURF2STL Write STL file from surface data.
SURF2STL('filename',X,Y,Z) writes a stereolithography (STL) file
for a surface with geometry defined by three matrix arguments, X, Y
and Z. X, Y and Z must be two-dimensional arrays with the same size.

SURF2STL('filename',x,y,Z), uses two vector arguments replacing
the first two matrix arguments, which must have length(x) = n and
length(y) = m where [m,n] = size(Z). Note that x corresponds to
the columns of Z and y corresponds to the rows.

SURF2STL(“文件名”,dx, dy, Z)使用标量价值es of dx and dy to
specify the x and y spacing between grid points.

SURF2STL(...,'mode') may be used to specify the output format.

'binary' - writes in STL binary format (default)
'ascii' - writes in STL ASCII format



See also SURF.

Author: Bill McDonald, 02-20-04

인용 양식

Bill McDonald (2022).surf2stl(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨.

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