
버전 (2.89 MB) 작성자: MathWorks Student Competitions Team
Add-on to enhance user experience of the VEX EDR hardware support packages

다운로드수: 31.5K

업데이트 날짜:2020/1/14

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편집자 메모:Popular File2017

This is a MATLAB App that allows easy access to VEX support package components from a single user interface. With this App you can:

+ Create new models pre-configured for the VEX EDR systems.
+ Automatically configure an existing model for use with the VEX Microcontrollers.
+ Open the VEX Cortex Microcontroller library
+ Open the tutorials and demos for the VEX Microcontroller Support Package.
+ Open the Documentation for the VEX Microcontroller Support Package.
+ Open the example models that are shipped along with the VEX Microcontroller Support Package.
+ Install and open additional examples for VEX Simulink Support Packages

NOTE: This App is installed as a 3rd party Add-on as part of the VEX Microcontroller Support Package. If you install this App before the Support Package, you will get a button on the App to install the Support Package.

인용 양식

MathWorks Student Competitions Team (2022).VEXCompanionApp(//, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨.

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2019a
R2019a 이상 릴리스와 호환
플랫폼 호환성
Windows macOS Linux

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