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Compute disparity map using block matching



disparityMap= disparityBM(I1,I2)computes disparity map from a pair of rectified stereo imagesI1andI2, by using the block matching method. To know more about rectifying stereo images, seeImage Rectification.

disparityMap= disparityBM(I1,I2,Name,Value)specifies options using one or more name-value pair arguments.


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I1 = imread('rectified_left.png'); I2 = imread('rectified_right.png');

Create the stereo anaglyph of the rectified stereo pair image and display it. You can view the image in 3-D by using red-cyan stereo glasses.

A = stereoAnaglyph(I1,I2); figure imshow(A) title('Red-Cyan composite view of the rectified stereo pair image')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Red-Cyan composite view of the rectified stereo pair image contains an object of type image.

Convert the rectified input color images to grayscale images.

J1 = im2gray(I1); J2 = im2gray(I2);

Compute the disparity map. Specify the range of disparity as [0, 48], and the minimum value of uniqueness as 20.

disparityRange = [0 48]; disparityMap = disparityBM(J1,J2,'DisparityRange',disparityRange,'UniquenessThreshold',20);

Display the disparity map. Set the display range to the same value as the disparity range.

figure imshow(disparityMap,disparityRange) title('Disparity Map') colormapjetcolorbar

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Disparity Map contains an object of type image.

Input Arguments

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Input image referenced asI1corresponding to camera 1, specified as a 2-D grayscale image or agpuArray(Parallel Computing Toolbox)object. The function uses this image as the reference image for computing the disparity map. The input imagesI1andI2must be real, finite, and nonsparse. Also,I1andI2must be of the same size and same data type.

Data Types:single|double|int16|uint8|uint16

Input image referenced asI2corresponding to camera 2, specified as a 2-D grayscale image or agpuArray(Parallel Computing Toolbox)object. The input imagesI1andI2must be real, finite, and nonsparse.I1andI2must be of the same size and same data type.

Data Types:single|double|int16|uint8|uint16

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments asName1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, whereNameis the argument name andValueis the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and encloseNamein quotes.

Example:disparityBM(I1,I2,'DisparityRange',[0 64])

Range of disparity, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'DisparityRange'and a two-element vector of the form [MinDisparityMaxDisparity].MinDisparityis the minimum disparity andMaxDisparityis the maximum disparity. The conditions this range must satisfy depend on the type of input images.

If the input images are grayscale images of widthN,那么:

  • MinDisparityandMaxDisparitymust be integers in the range (–N,N).

  • The difference between theMaxDisparityandMinDisparityvalues must be divisible by 16 and less than the width of the input images.

If the input images aregpuArrayobjects of widthN,那么:

  • The value ofMinDisparitymust be equal to zero.

    The value ofMaxDisparitymust be in the range (16,N). IfNis greater than 256, then theMaxDisparitymust be chosen as less than or equal to 256.

    The difference between theMaxDisparityandMinDisparityvalues must be divisible by 16.

The default value for the range of disparity is64年[0]. For more information on choosing the range of disparity, seeChoosing Range of Disparity.

Size of the squared block, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'BlockSize'and an odd integer. This value specifies the width of the search window used for block matching pixels in the rectified stereo pair image. The range for the size squared block depend on the type of input images.

If the input images are grayscale images, the'BlockSize'value must be an odd integer in the range [5, 255].

If the input images aregpuArrayobjects, the'BlockSize'value must be an odd integer in the range [5, 51].

The default value is 15.

Range of contrast threshold, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'ContrastThreshold'and a scalar value in the range (0, 1]. The contrast threshold defines an acceptable range of contrast values. If the contrast value of a pixel in the reference image is below the contrast threshold, then the disparity computed for that pixel is consideredunreliable. Increasing this parameter results in disparity for fewer pixels being marked as unreliable.

Minimum value of uniqueness, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'UniquenessThreshold'和一个非负整数。

The function marks the estimated disparity valueKfor a pixel as unreliable, if:


whereVis the sum of absolute difference (SAD) corresponding to the disparity valueK.vis the smallest SAD value over the whole disparity range, excludingK,K–1, andK+1.

Increasing the value ofUniquenessThresholdresults in disparity values for more pixels being marked as unreliable. To disable the use of uniqueness threshold, set this value to[].


If the input images aregpuArrayobjects, then the'UniquenessThreshold'name-value pair argument does not apply.

Maximum distance between conjugate pixels in stereo pair image, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'DistanceThreshold'和一个非负整数。The distance threshold specifies the maximum distance between a pixel inI1and the same pixel found inI2.

For pixelp1in the reference imageI1, the function performs a left-to-right check to find its best matching pixelp2in imageI2. For pixelp2, the function performs a right-to-left check to find its best matching pixelp3in the reference imageI1. If the distance betweenp1andp3is greater than theDistanceThreshold, the function marks the disparity for the pixelp1in the reference imageI1as unreliable.

Increasing the value ofDistanceThresholdresults in disparity values for fewer pixels being marked as unreliable. Conversely, decreasing the value ofDistanceThreshold, increases the reliability of the disparity map. To disable the use of distance threshold, set this value to[].


If the input images aregpuArrayobjects, then the'DistanceThreshold'name-value pair argument does not apply.

Minimum texture threshold, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of'TextureThreshold'and a scalar value in the range [0, 1).

The texture of a pixel is defined as the sum of the saturated contrast computed over theBlockSize-by-BlockSizewindow around the pixel. The texture threshold defines the minimum texture value for a pixel to have reliable disparity value. The function considers the disparity for a pixel as unreliable, if:


wheretextureis the texture of a pixel.intensitymaxis the maximum value supported by the data type of input imagesI1andI2.

Increasing the value of'TextureThreshold'results in disparity values for more pixels being marked as unreliable. To disable the use of texture threshold, set this value to[].

Output Arguments

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Disparity map for rectified stereo pair image, returned as a 2-D grayscale image or agpuArrayobject. The function returns the disparity map with the same size as input imagesI1andI2. Each value in this output refers to the displacement between conjugate pixels in the stereo pair image. For details about computing the disparity map, seeComputing Disparity Map Using Block Matching.

Data Types:single

More About

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Image Rectification

The input imagesI1andI2must be rectified before computing the disparity map. The rectification ensures that the corresponding points in the stereo pair image are on the same rows. You can rectify the input stereo pair image by using therectifyStereoImagesfunction. The reference image must be the same for rectification and disparity map computation.


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Choosing Range of Disparity

The range of disparity must be chosen to cover the minimum and the maximum amount of horizontal shift between the corresponding pixels in the rectified stereo pair image. You can determine the approximate horizontal shift values from the stereo anaglyph of the stereo pair image. Compute the stereo anaglyph of the rectified images by using thestereoAnaglyphfunction. Display the stereo anaglyph in theImage Viewerapp. To measure the amount of horizontal shift between the corresponding points in the stereo pair image, selectMeasure Distancefrom theToolsmenu inImage Viewer. Choose the minimum and maximum disparity values for the range of disparity based on this measurement.

For example, this figure displays the stereo anaglyph of a rectified stereo pair image and the horizontal shift values measured between the corresponding points in the stereo pair image. The minimum and maximum shift values are computed as 8 and 31 respectively. Based on these values, the range of disparity can be chosen as [0, 48].

Computing Disparity Map Using Block Matching

The function computes the disparity map by following these steps:

  1. Compute the disparity for each pixel by using the block matching method given in[1].

    • For CPU — The sum of absolute difference (SAD) is used as the cost function in block matching. The cost function estimates the displacement between pixels in the rectified stereo pair image.

  2. Optionally, mark the pixels for unreliability based on theContrastThreshold,UniquenessThreshold,DistanceThreshold,TextureThresholdname-value pairs. The function sets the unreliable disparity values toNaN.


[1] Konolige, K. "Small Vision Systems: Hardware and Implementation." InProceedings of the 8th International Symposium in Robotic Research, pp. 203–212. 1997.

[2] Bradski, G. and A. Kaehler.Learning OpenCV : Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media, Inc. 2008.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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Errors starting in R2022a