教学资源Using MATLAB and Simulink

Here are the resources you need to get started teaching online using MATLAB and Simulink. With these tools, you can create and deliver interactive lectures and courses that engage students in active learning.

Dr. Aaron Drews created a self-paced, online version of a classroom-based introductory MATLAB course at the University of California, San Diego.

“During the course, students told me that they were happy overall with the transition to online learning. These reports were confirmed by a follow-up survey in which students expressed near-unanimous agreement on the usefulness of MATLAB online training resources and MATLAB Grader.”

-Dr. Chiranjoy Chattopadhyay, IIT Jodhpur


Ensuring that students have access to programs and well-organized, current course materials is key to successful online learning.MATLAB在线and万博1manbetx在线模拟可通过Web浏览器获得并自动更新,为您和您的学生提供一致的平台。

无论您是喜欢在线MATLAB还是在桌面上的Matlab,都可以与学生合作,并提供云存储,以共享课程材料。MATLAB驱动器。Any content modifications sync with what your students see. Students access MATLAB Drive from the browser, their desktops, andMATLAB手机并可以与您共享完整的作业,您可以直接在MATLAB中运行。

Try MATLAB Online and MATLAB Drive with these interactive lessons in our Teaching with MATLAB course:

Get Started Creating Interactive Courses


沃里克大学(University of Warwick)的Thomas Popham博士使用现场脚本,MATLAB应用程序和在线课程,为其工程专业的学生提供数据科学技能。




Lecture materials

Divide your document into different executable sections to help you navigate code while lecturing, keep pace with the material, and easily stop and go back to reinforce a concept if there are questions. Breaking up the document can also help students focus their attention.



Add controls such as sliders, drop-down lists, buttons to control variable values, or实时编辑任务帮助学生专注于学习概念而不是代码。学生可以与这些控件进行互动以更改结果并操纵情节以进一步探索概念。



将实时脚本导出为PDF,Microsoft Word,HTML或乳胶文件。您可以隐藏代码以关注叙述并结果,或在报告中包含所有内容。



Explore lessons with curriculum materials containing flexible, easily modified live scripts. Courseware modules include:

Try a live script in your browser now and get a feel for creating your own interactive course materials.



MATLAB apps是提供即时视觉反馈的交互式应用程序,并帮助您了解不同的算法如何影响数据。MATLAB Toolstrip的“应用程序”选项卡向您显示您当前已安装的应用程序。例如,颜色阈值应用程序包含在图像处理工具箱和计算机视觉工具箱中。

您或您的学生可以使用App Designer。设计一个学生de MATLAB应用程序的挑战monstrate their understanding of a concept and enables them to experience thinking like a designer.See an example where a professor had his students create MATLAB apps for the Fundamentals of Engineering exam.

参观Virtual Labs and Projectspage for more information on creating or using apps for virtual labs.



Carolina Tropini, Ph.D.


- 不列颠哥伦比亚大学卡罗来纳州Tropini教授

Dr. Yu-li Wang

“ MATLAB教程在我教授计算方法的能力上有一个夜晚的差异,并具有翻转的教室,以最大程度地提高结果。”

-Dr. Yu-li Wang, Carnegie Mellon University

Paolo Biscari


-Prof. Paolo Biscari, Politecnico di Milano