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Code Metrics

Description and example of code metrics

WhenPolyspace®Bug Finder™analyzes your code, you can choose to calculate statistics about your program. Use theCalculate code metrics (-code-metrics)analysis option to activate code metric checking. To understand the different code metric results and how Bug Finder calculates them, see these reference pages.

Polyspace Results

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Number of Direct Recursions Number of instances of a function calling itself directly
Number of Header Files Number of included header files
Number of Files Number of source files
Number of Recursions Number of call graph cycles over one or more functions
Comment Density Ratio of number of comments to number of statements
Estimated Function Coupling Measure of complexity between levels of call tree
Number of Lines Total number of lines in a file
Number of Lines Without Comment 行数的代码不包括行comments or blank
Cyclomatic Complexity Number of linearly independent paths in function body
Language Scope Language scope
Number of Call Levels Maximum depth of nesting of control flow structures
Number of Call Occurrences Number of calls in function body
Number of Called Functions Number of distinct functions called within the body of a function
Number of Calling Functions Number of distinct callers of a function
Number of Executable Lines Number of executable lines in function body
Number of Function Parameters Number of function arguments
Number of Goto Statements Number ofgotostatements
Number of Instructions Number of instructions per function
Number of Lines Within Body Number of lines in function body
Number of Local Non-Static Variables Total number of local variables in function
Number of Local Static Variables Total number of local static variables in function
Number of Paths Estimated static path count
Number of Return Statements Number ofreturnstatements in a function


  • HIS Code Complexity Metrics

    See which code complexity metrics supported in Polyspace are part of the Hersteller Initiative Software (HIS) standard.