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Current market, real-time, intraday tick, historical, and security lookup data from Bloomberg®B-PIPE®

After you create a Bloomberg B-PIPE connection, you can retrieve current, real-time, intraday tick, historical, and security lookup data.


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bpipe BloombergB-PIPEconnection V3
isconnection DetermineBloombergconnection V3
close CloseBloombergconnection V3
eqs Equity screening data forBloombergconnection V3
get Properties ofBloombergconnection V3
getbulkdata Bulk data with header information forBloombergconnection V3
getdata Current data forBloombergconnection V3
history Historical data forBloombergconnection V3
portfolio Current portfolio data forBloombergconnection V3
realtime Real-time data forBloombergconnection V3
stop Unsubscribe real-time requests forBloombergconnection V3
tahistory Historical technical analysis forBloombergconnection V3
timeseries Intraday tick data forBloombergconnection V3
category Field category search forBloombergconnection V3
fieldinfo Field information forBloombergconnection V3
fieldsearch Field search forBloombergconnection V3
lookup Find information about securities forBloombergconnection V3



BloombergB-PIPEData Retrieval