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Standard State-Space Model

States with finite initial state variances

The standard state-space model implements the standard Kalman filter and initial state variances of are finite. You can create a standard state-space model by callingssm.

For an overview of supported state-space model forms, seeWhat Are State-Space Models?.


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ssm Create state-space model
estimate Maximum likelihood parameter estimation of state-space models
refine Refine initial parameters to aid state-space model estimation
disp Display summary information for state-space model
filter Forward recursion of state-space models
smooth Backward recursion of state-space models
update Real-time state update by state-space model Kalman filtering
irf Impulse response function (IRF) of state-space model
irfplot Plot impulse response function (IRF) of state-space model
fevd Generate forecast error variance decomposition (FEVD) of state-space model
corr Model-implied temporal correlations of state-space model
simulate Monte Carlo simulation of state-space models
simsmooth State-space model simulation smoother
forecast 预测状态和观察的状态dels


Create Model

Fit Model to Data


Generate Monte Carlo Simulations

Generate Minimum Mean Square Error Forecasts