

Contrast adjustment, histogram equalization, decorrelation stretching

Contrast adjustment remaps image intensity values to the full display range of the data type. An image with good contrast has sharp differences between black and white.

To illustrate, the image on the left has poor contrast, with intensity values limited to the middle portion of the range. The image on the right has higher contrast, with intensity values that fill the entire intensity range [0, 255]. In the high contrast image, highlights look brighter and shadows look darker.

The functions described in this section apply primarily to grayscale images. However, some of these functions can be applied to color images as well. For information about how these functions work with color images, see the reference pages for the individual functions.


imadjust 调整图像强度值或结肠
Imadjustn Adjust intensity values inN-D volumetric image
imcontrast 调整对比工具
imsharpen Sharpen image using unsharp masking
imflatfield 2-D image flat-field correction
imlocalbrighten 明亮光线暗的图像
imreducehaze 减少大气雾
locallapfilt Fast local Laplacian filtering of images
LocalConconcontrast Edge-aware local contrast manipulation of images
localtonemap Render HDR image for viewing while enhancing local contrast
histeq Enhance contrast using histogram equalization
adapthisteq Contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE)
imhistmatch 调整2-D图像的直方图匹配参考图像的直方图
imhistmatchn 调整N-D图像的直方图以匹配参考图像的直方图
Deorrstretch Apply decorrelation stretch to multichannel image
伸展林 Find limits to contrast stretch image
intlut Convert integer values using lookup table
imnoise Add noise to image
