




dicomdisp(filename)从合规DICOM文件中读取元数据filenameand displays the metadata at the command prompt.dicomdispcan be helpful when debugging issues with DICOM files.

dicomdisp(filename,Name,Value)reads the metadata using name-value arguments to control aspects of the operation.


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文件:B: \ matlab工具箱\ \ \ imdata \ CT-MONO2-16——图像ankle.dcm (525436 bytes) Read on an IEEE little-endian machine. File begins with group 0002 metadata at byte 132. Transfer syntax: 1.2.840.10008.1.2 (Implicit VR Little Endian). DICOM Information object: 1.2.840.10008. (Secondary Capture Image Storage). Location Level Tag VR Size Name Data ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0000132 0 (0002,0000) UL 4 bytes - FileMetaInformationGroupLength *Binary* 0000144 0 (0002,0001) OB 2 bytes - FileMetaInformationVersion *Binary* 0000158 0 (0002,0002) UI 26 bytes - MediaStorageSOPClassUID [1.2.840.10008. ] 0000192 0 (0002,0003) UI 50 bytes - MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID [1.2.840.113619.2.1.2411.1031152382.365.1.736169244] 0000250 0 (0002,0010) UI 18 bytes - TransferSyntaxUID [1.2.840.10008.1.2 ] 0000276 0 (0002,0012) UI 18 bytes - ImplementationClassUID [1.2.840.113619.6.5] 0000302 0 (0002,0013) SH 6 bytes - ImplementationVersionName [1_2_5 ] 0000316 0 (0002,0016) AE 12 bytes - SourceApplicationEntityTitle [CTN_STORAGE ] 0000336 0 (0008,0000) UL 4 bytes - IdentifyingGroupLength *Binary* 0000348 0 (0008,0008) CS 20 bytes - ImageType [DERIVED\SECONDARY\3D] 0000376 0 (0008,0016) UI 26 bytes - SOPClassUID [1.2.840.10008. ] 0000410 0 (0008,0018) UI 50 bytes - SOPInstanceUID [1.2.840.113619.2.1.2411.1031152382.365.1.736169244] 0000468 0 (0008,0020) DA 10 bytes - StudyDate [1993.04.30] 0000486 0 (0008,0021) DA 10 bytes - SeriesDate [1993.04.30] 0000504 0 (0008,0023) DA 10 bytes - ContentDate [1993.04.30] 0000522 0 (0008,0030) TM 8 bytes - StudyTime [11:27:24] 0000538 0 (0008,0031) TM 8 bytes - SeriesTime [11:27:24] 0000554 0 (0008,0033) TM 8 bytes - ContentTime [11:27:24] 0000570 0 (0008,0060) CS 2 bytes - Modality [CT] 0000580 0 (0008,0064) CS 4 bytes - ConversionType [WSD ] 0000592 0 (0008,0070) LO 18 bytes - Manufacturer [GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS] 0000618 0 (0008,0080) LO 18 bytes - InstitutionName [JFK IMAGING CENTER] 0000644 0 (0008,0090) PN 10 bytes - ReferringPhysicianName [Anonymized] 0000662 0 (0008,1010) SH 8 bytes - StationName [CT01OC0 ] 0000678 0 (0008,1030) LO 8 bytes - StudyDescription [RT ANKLE] 0000694 0 (0008,1060) PN 10 bytes - NameOfPhysiciansReadingStudy [Anonymized] 0000712 0 (0008,1070) PN 10 bytes - OperatorsName [Anonymized] 0000730 0 (0008,1090) LO 12 bytes - ManufacturerModelName [GENESIS_ZEUS] 0000750 0 (0010,0000) UL 4 bytes - PatientGroupLength *Binary* 0000762 0 (0010,0010) PN 10 bytes - PatientName [Anonymized] 0000780 0 (0018,0000) UL 4 bytes - AcquisitionGroupLength *Binary* 0000792 0 (0018,1020) LO 2 bytes - SoftwareVersions [03] 0000802 0 (0020,0000) UL 4 bytes - RelationshipGroupLength *Binary* 0000814 0 (0020,000D) UI 48 bytes - StudyInstanceUID [1.2.840.113619.] 0000870 0 (0020,000E) UI 48 bytes - SeriesInstanceUID [1.2.840.113619.2.1.2411.1031152382.365.736169244] 0000926 0 (0020,0011) IS 4 bytes - SeriesNumber [365 ] 0000938 0 (0020,0013) IS 2 bytes - InstanceNumber [1 ] 0000948 0 (0028,0000) UL 4 bytes - ImagePresentationGroupLength *Binary* 0000960 0 (0028,0002) US 2 bytes - SamplesPerPixel *Binary* 0000970 0 (0028,0004) CS 12 bytes - PhotometricInterpretation [MONOCHROME2 ] 0000990 0 (0028,0010) US 2 bytes - Rows *Binary* 0001000 0 (0028,0011) US 2 bytes - Columns *Binary* 0001010 0 (0028,0100) US 2 bytes - BitsAllocated *Binary* 0001020 0 (0028,0101) US 2 bytes - BitsStored *Binary* 0001030 0 (0028,0102) US 2 bytes - HighBit *Binary* 0001040 0 (0028,0103) US 2 bytes - PixelRepresentation *Binary* 0001050 0 (0028,0106) US 2 bytes - SmallestImagePixelValue *Binary* 0001060 0 (0028,0120) US 2 bytes - PixelPaddingValue *Binary* 0001070 0 (0028,1050) DS 4 bytes - WindowCenter [1024] 0001082 0 (0028,1051) DS 4 bytes - WindowWidth [4095] 0001094 0 (0028,1052) DS 6 bytes - RescaleIntercept [-1024 ] 0001108 0 (0028,1053) DS 2 bytes - RescaleSlope [1 ] 0001118 0 (0028,1054) LO 2 bytes - RescaleType [US] 0001128 0 (7FE0,0000) UL 4 bytes - PixelDataGroupLength *Binary* 0001140 0 (7FE0,0010) OB 524288 bytes - PixelData []

Input Arguments

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Data Types:char|string

Name-Value Arguments

将可选的参数对Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, whereNameis the argument name and价值是相应的值。名称值参数必须在其他参数之后出现,但是对的顺序并不重要。

Example:dicomdisp(“ ct-mono2-16-ankle.dcm”,usevrheuristic = false)在不使用启发式的情况下,从DICOM文件中读取元数据。

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and encloseNamein quotes.


DICOM数据字典的名称,指定为字符串标量或字符向量。指定时,dicomdispuses the data dictionary to read the DICOM file. The data dictionary file must be on the MATLAB search path.

Data Types:char|string

Read noncompliant DICOM files that switch value representation (VR) modes incorrectly, specified as a logical1(真的) or0(false).

When set to真的,dicomdispuses a heuristic to help read certain noncompliant DICOM files that switch VR modes incorrectly.dicomdisp如果使用这种启发式,则显示警告。如果启用了此启发式,则少数符合条件的文件未正确读取。放UseVRHeuristictofalseto read these compliant files.

Data Types:logical

