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启用MATLAB Installation Manually


Activation是一个验证数学使用许可使用的过程®s manbetx 845产品。此过程验证了许可证,并确保不在更多的计算机或用户中使用该许可,而不是您获得的许可选项。通常,安装程序继续作为整个安装过程的一部分进行激活,最终用户没有任何动作。

However, there may be occasions to manually activate the software, for example, if the activation during installation fails for some reason, or if the installation was performed using a File Installation Key and no license was supplied.

This topic describes how to activate the software manually should you need to.

如果您是被要求激活MATLAB的最终用户®software that was not installed by you, follow the procedure in使用Internet连接激活安装if you have an Internet connection. If you do not, follow the instructions in启用Installation Offline


  1. tab, in theResources部分,单击Help>许可

  2. 选择启用





  • Leave the启用MATLABcheck box selected on the Installation Complete dialog box at the end of installation. When the end user starts MATLAB, the activation process automatically starts.

  • 如果您已经在运行MATLAB,则tab, in theResources部分,选择Help>许可>激活软件

  • 导航到MATLAB安装文件夹并打开激活应用程序。

    • 视窗®Systems- 双击activate_matlab.exefile inMatlabroot\bin\$ARCH文件夹,哪里Matlabroot是您的MATLAB安装文件夹吗?$ ARCH是一个特定于平台的子文件夹,例如:Matlabroot\bin\win64

    • Linux和macOSSystems- 执行activate_matlab.shscript in theMatlabroot\bin文件夹。

  • macOSSystems- 双击activation application icon in the MATLAB application package. To view the contents of the MATLAB application package, right-click (orCtrl+click) the package and select显示页ackage Contents


Choose whether to activate using an Internet connection or activating offline.

  • If you are connected to the Internet, leave the启用automatically using the Internet (recommended)选择选项。安装后立即激活是开始使用MATLAB的最快方法。

  • 如果您没有连接到互联网,请选择启用manually without the Internet。如果选择此选项,则需要一个许可文件来手动激活。您的许可证文件标识您可以运行的产品。s manbetx 845如果您尚未拥有该文件,请联系许可证管理员以获取文件。

使用代理服务器。If your Internet connection requires a proxy server, click theConnection Settingsbutton. You can enter the server name and port information in the Proxy Settings dialog box, and access other activation options. MathWorks supports several types of proxy configurations: Basic authentication and Digest authentication.

On Windows andmacOS计算机,激活应用程序默认情况下使用您的计算机代理设置。。如果未设置代理设置,则可以单击Connection Settings手动设置它们。



If you continued with activation immediately after installation, and you logged in to your account during installation, the activation application skips this step.

输入您的Mathworks帐户的电子邮件地址和密码,然后单击Next。The activation application contacts MathWorks to retrieve the licenses linked to your account. If you have enabled Two-Step Verification on your account, enter the verification code sent to your primary method.

如果您没有数学帐户,请选择选项I need to create an Account (requires an Activation Key)and clickNext

如果您已经有许可证文件,请选择选项Enter the full path to your license file, including the file name,指定文件的完整路径,然后单击Next。After specifying the license file, the activation application skips all the subsequent steps in the process and goes directly to the Activation Complete dialog box.


您的许可证文件标识您可以运行的产品。s manbetx 845请与您的许可证管理员联系以获取此许可证文件。


The administrator on the license can retrieve the key by going to the许可中心在Mathworks网站上。



When you create a new MathWorks Account, you must verify your email address before you can proceed with activation. Before you clickNext在“电子邮件验证”所需的对话框中,转到您的电子邮件程序,打开Mathworks的消息,然后单击验证链接。然后返回此对话框,然后单击Next



如果要在未链接到您的数学帐户的许可证上激活产品,s manbetx 845请选择Enter an Activation Key for a license not listed选项,输入激活键,然后单击Next。An激活码是标识许可证的唯一代码。您可以使用密钥激活许可证或将许可证链接到您的帐户。向执照的管理员询问激活密钥。

Step 5: Specify User Name

如果您选择了单独的许可证,则必须指定operating system user name打算使用该软件的人。单个许可将软件使用对特定计算机上的特定用户的使用限制。Mathworks使用操作系统用户名来识别此人。操作系统用户名是用户可以通过该ID获得对计算机的访问权限。此ID也称为登录名。要使用Mathworks软件,必须将其作为指定的用户名登录到计算机。

By default, the activation application fills in the user name of the person running the activation application. To accept this default, clickNext。如果您使用管理员帐户安装软件,但打算使用另一个帐户访问该软件,则可以在此处指定该用户名,然后单击Next


The installer skips this step for a Designated Computer license. See your license administrator if you have any questions.


If all the information displayed is correct, clickConfirm


  • 限制仅用于安装的计算机

  • 如果您激活了单个许可证,则限制了特定用户

然后,安装程序将此许可证文件复制到您的计算机上。此许可证文件使您可以在计算机上运行Mathworks产品。s manbetx 845Mathworks还保留了数学系统中激活的记录。

Step 7: Complete Activation

After activating your installation, click结束to exit the activation process.


Now that MATLAB and any accompanying products have been installed, you are ready to begin using MathWorks software.


启用Installation Offline


由于您在安装过程中未登录到Mathworks帐户,或者您独立启动激活应用程序,因此您必须选择是自动或手动激活。选择启用manually without the Internet (recommended)选项并单击Next


要在没有Internet连接的情况下激活,您必须有一个许可证文件。许可证文件标识您可以运行哪些产品。s manbetx 845许可证上的管理员可以从许可中心在Mathworks网站上。选择Enter the full path to your license file, including the file nameoption and enter the full path to your license file in the text box (or drag and drop the file) and clickNext


If You Do Not Have a License File

Save the information displayed in the dialog box. You can print a copy of this information by clicking打印。Take the information to a computer with an Internet connection and go to the许可中心在Mathworks网站上。数学工作uses this information to generate a File Installation Key and a license file. You must have this information with you when you return to the computer on which you want to install and activate the software. To exit the activation application, click结束

Your installation is not activated yet. You cannot run MATLAB until you retrieve your license file.


After activating your installation, click结束to exit the activation process.

Step 4. What's Next?

