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Align an array point clouds



ptCloudOut= pcalign(ptClouds,tforms)aligns an array of point clouds,ptClouds, into one point cloud by using the specified transformationstforms.


ptCloudOut= pcalign(ptClouds,tforms,gridStep)applies a box grid filter, with 3-D boxes of the specified sizegridStep, to the aligned point cloud. Points within the same box are merged to a single point in the output, with averagedColor,Normal, andIntensityproperties.


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Load a point cloud view set into the workspace.

data = load('vSetPointClouds.mat'); vSet = data.vSet;

Extract the point clouds and their absolute poses from the view set.

ptClouds = vSet.Views.PointCloud; tforms = vSet.Views.AbsolutePose;

Align the point clouds using their absolute poses, and apply a 3-D box filter of size1to the aligned point cloud.

gridStep = 1; ptCloudMap = pcalign(ptClouds,tforms,gridStep);

Display the aligned point cloud map.

pcshow(ptCloudMap) holdonplot(vSet)

Input Arguments

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Point clouds, specified as apointCloudarray.

3-D rigid or affine geometric transformations, specified as anM-by-1rigid3darray or anM-by-1affine3darray. Thetformsargument must contain the same number of elements as theptCloudsargument.

Size of the 3-D box for the grid filter, specified as a positive scalar. Increasing the value ofgridStepcan reduce memory usage by merging more points, but it can also reduce the amount of detail captured.

Data Types:single|double

Output Arguments

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Aligned point cloud, returned as apointCloudobject.


  • If the input point clouds do not all have an assigned value for a property, the function does not assign a value for that property in the returned point cloud. For example, if some of the input point clouds have values for theColorproperty but another one does not, then the function does not return a value for theColorproperty ofptCloudOut.

  • The function filters out points withNaNorInfvalues.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2020b