
Understanding and using deep learning networks


This post is from Heather Gorr, MATLAB product marketing. You can follow her on social media: @ heather.codes. , @ heather.codes. , @HeatherGorr , 和 @heather-gorr-phd . This blog post covers several competitions and why they are important for your career.


There are many resources to find example problems with real data, butdataMatons.hackathonsare especially useful and fun. You can compete to win (cash!) or even practice and observe to learn from the experience and others’ solutions. Often, you compete in a team, which is another great way to collaborate and learn from our peers.
MathWorks hosts a number of competitions throughout the year. In this post we’ll discuss recent hackathons and highlight the currentWomen in Data Science (WiDS) Datathonopen through February 26, 2022.

Women in Data Science (WiDS) Datathons

WiDS Datathon Announcement
MathWorks赞助了过去几个WIDS Datavonons。这些数据集具有重要的社会影响,适用于许多行业的工作非常有趣。参与者可以使用Matlab进行比赛,这有助于使用应用程序和熟悉的语法快速探索和调整许多不同的模型(如果需要!)。


There are several examples to help you get started doing this in MATLAB, and格蕾丝伍尔森写道优秀的教程建筑注册ression models and comparing them. Grace and I also recently held aYouTubelivestreamworkshop based on this tutorial to help get started using a similar data set: predicting vehicle MPG (also important for climate considerations).
关于Wids DataMaton的另一个重要说明是每个团队的一半必须识别为女性。这是深刻和令人鼓舞的,因为典型的卡格竞赛少于20%的女性参与者[Citehttps://www.widsconference.org/blog_archive/the-women-in-data -science-wids-datathon-2022-is-now-live-on-kaggle..] In 2021, WiDS datathon over 80% of participants were women coming from 86 countries across 6 continents, so it’s a wonderful opportunity to engage with a diverse global community and learn together. I’ve been participating in WiDS events for years and I love the community aspect. Below is a nice gift of beautiful custom artwork I received from local organizers in Fortaleza after speaking at an event!
vids fortaleza活动组织者的自定义Wids艺术品


回到最后的Wids Datathon“深黑色:野生动物保护深度估计“, 我爱它。目的是估计到迹线相机镜头中的动物的距离,以帮助野生动物监测和保护。这有许多有趣的方法包括使用光流量来预处理视频和深度学习模型(预先训练的CNN)。另一种方法包括估计Matlab中的光流,然后导入现有的Pytorch模型,讨论blog post. These are just two examples, but you can look through many submissions on Kaggle to find piles of innovative solutions!
Example data from 2021 Deep Chimpact Competition to estimate distance to animals


Another valuable aspect to join these competitions is career development opportunities. It’s incredibly valuable getting practice, working with others, and exploring possible career paths. I’d recommend checking out any ‘job fairs’ associated with conferences and competitions and joining panel discussions. For example, MathWorks is hiring in many related areas and you can connect with us if you are interested in工作机会)

MathWorks Hackathons

Hopefully you are convinced that hackathons are a great way to get started on your AI journey. MathWorks has partnered withMajor League Hacking (MLH)帮助您使用Matlab和Simulink将您的想法带到万博1manbetx果泥。看看令人敬畏的matlab hackathons.repository for getting started resources and to learn more about our support for MLH Hackathons. Sign up to participate in a MathWorks sponsored MLH hackathon, use MATLAB or Simulink and you could win some great MATLAB Swag. Here are some examples of some past winners of the Best Use of MATLAB award at MLH hackathons:
Have you participated in a datathon or hackathon? Would you like to join a team for WiDS? Share your experiences and let’s connect in the comments below and on social media.


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