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Processor Software

Design and develop the software for the embedded processor component of an SoC application

Create Simulink®models of the software in an SoC application. Encapsulate the algorithms as a collection of timer-driven and event-driven task subsystems. Define the timing and duration characteristics for tasks.


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Task Manager Create and manage task executions in万博1manbetxmodel
Proxy Task A placeholder for a task in your application
Task Manager Create and manage task executions in万博1manbetxmodel
Testbench Task An external timer-driven task load on your SoC processor application
Event Source 模拟记录和回放任务事件
在terprocess Data Channel Model interprocessor data channel between two processors
在terprocess Data Read Receive messages from another processor using interprocess communication channel
在terprocess Data Write Send messages to another processor using interprocessor data write


socTaskTimes Plot histogram of the task durations from a recorded Simulation Data Inspector run
socHardwareUsage Generate processor core usage statistics from a recorded Simulation Data Inspector run


Task Mapping Map tasks in the SoC to interrupt service routines on the hardware board
Task Execution Report Display summary of task execution performance and core usage metrics following model simulation or execution on processor
Simulation Data Inspector 在spect and compare data and simulation results to validate and iterate model designs




Build and Measurement
