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Design, analyze, and test lidar processing systems

激光雷达的工具箱™ provides algorithms, functions, and apps for designing, analyzing, and testing lidar processing systems. You can perform object detection and tracking, semantic segmentation, shape fitting, lidar registration, and obstacle detection. The toolbox provides workflows and an app for lidar-camera cross-calibration.

The toolbox lets you stream data from Velodyne®lidars and read data recorded by Velodyne and IBEO lidar sensors. The Lidar Viewer App enables interactive visualization and analysis of lidar point clouds. You can train detection, semantic segmentation, and classification models using machine learning and deep learning algorithms such as PointPillars, SqueezeSegV2, and PointNet++. The Lidar Labeler App supports manual and semi-automated labeling of lidar point clouds for training deep learning and machine learning models.

激光雷达的工具箱provides lidar processing reference examples for perception and navigation workflows. Most toolbox algorithms support C/C++ code generation for integrating with existing code, desktop prototyping, and deployment.

Get Started

Learn the basics of Lidar Toolbox


Read, write, and visualize lidar data


Downsample, median filter, transform, extract features from, and align 3-D point clouds

Labeling, Segmentation, and Detection

Label, segment, detect, and track objects in point cloud data using deep learning and geometric algorithms

Calibration and Sensor Fusion

Interactively perform calibration, estimate lidar-camera transform, and fuse data from each sensor

Navigation and Mapping

Point cloud registration and map building, 2-D and 3-D SLAM, and 2-D obstacle detection

激光雷达的工具箱Supported Hardware

Support for third-party hardware