Moving average returns inaccurate values

2 views (last 30 days)
Burhan Hyder
Burhan Hyder on 20 Aug 2021
Edited: Burhan Hyderon 26 Aug 2021
Hi MATLAB community,
I am using simulink for real-time classification using a trained Fine-KNN model. The input data for the model is a 50-point moving average vector [6x1]. I am using the DSP moving average block for this purpose with sliding window technique (window size = 50 and simulating using code generator). When I compare the input and the output of this block for real-time values, I get the following plot:
It is clear from the plot that there is something wrong with the output as there is quite a discrepancy between the input and the output. What could possibly be the problem or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance.

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