How do I use the neural network fitting tool to predict targets?

1) Load my commodity futures data set of about 6000 rows with 6 inputs and 1 target in each row AND
2) Train a NN on that data set, save it AND
3) Load about 2000 rows of test data which has 6 inputs and of course, no targets into that trained network AND
4)保存输出——预测目标readable file so that I can load the predictions into my separate program.
I would like to learn minimal coding to get this done.

Accepted Answer

编辑:Mathworks支万博1manbetx持团队 on 4 Mar 2021
Please try following these steps:
2. Once the neural network is saved to the MATLAB workspace, you can save it to a MAT file using the “save” function. You can provide the “save” function with a filename, and any specific variables that you want to save.
例如,您可以将工作空间保存到一个名为“ mytrainednn”的文件,并具有以下命令:
Once your workspace is saved to your computer, you can load that MAT file back into the MATLAB workspace anytime using the “load” function.
For example, to load the “myTrainedNN” file created above, you would use this command:
3. To load your test data, you can use the Import Tool. Please refer to this documentation link for more information on how to load your data using a GUI:
如果您的神经网络称为默认名称“ NET”,并且您的测试数据称为“ mytestdata”,则可以使用以下命令获得预测的输出:
output = net(myTestData)
5. You can either save the predicted targets to a MAT file using the “save” function from above, or export it to a more readable format. For example, if you wanted to save it to a Microsoft Excel file, you can use the “xlswrite” function.
This documentation link has information on how to save your output to an Excel spreadsheet:
1 Comment
John Doe
John Doe on 1 Apr 2020
But what if I want to do the same thing and I don't have the Tool?

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