
几何学and Mesh

Define a geometry and discretize it using a triangular or tetrahedral mesh


  • Import an STL file into MATLAB®通过使用importGeometry。STL文件格式非常普遍,并由大多数CAD软件支持。万博1manbetx如果存在平面STL几何形状,则该工具箱将其通过将其映射到X-Y平面将其转换为2D几何。

  • Reconstruct a geometry from a mesh by usinggeometryFromMesh。This function works with triangulated meshes, including planar, volume, and surface triangulation that bounds a closed volume.


  • Stack or nest cubes, cylinders, or spheres to create a geometry for a 3-D problem.

  • Extrude a 2-D geometry into a 3-D geometry.

  • Use the constructive solid geometry (CSG) approach, write a geometry function, or use the多色功能以创建2D问题的几何形状。CSG方法使用一组实体构建块(正方形,矩形,圆,椭圆和多边形),并将它们结合在一起以定义复杂的几何形状。

  • Use the PDE Modeler app to create complex 2-D geometries by drawing, overlapping, and rotating basic shapes, such as circles, polygons and so on.

通过使用Generatemesh功能。该工具箱使用有限元方法(FEM)求解PDE。PDE模型将生成的网格存储为FEMeshobject in itsMeshproperty. For details, seeMesh Data


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importGeometry Import 2-D or 3-D geometry from STL data
geometryFromMesh 从网格创建2-D或3D几何形状
geometryFromEdges Create 2-D geometry from decomposed geometry matrix
decsg Decompose constructive solid 2-D geometry into minimal regions
多蛋形 创建由几种立方细胞形成的几何形状
multicylinder Create geometry formed by several cylindrical cells
multisphere Create geometry formed by several spherical cells


addCell Combine two geometries by adding one inside a cell of another
addFace 在2-D中填充空隙区域,并在3D几何形状中分裂细胞
AddVertex 在几何边界上添加顶点
addVoid Create void regions inside 3-D geometry
旋转 Rotate geometry
规模 比例几何形状
翻译 Translate geometry
拉伸 Vertically extrude 2-D geometry or specified faces of 3-D geometry


细胞 查找附在指定单元格的边缘
cellFaces Find faces attached to specified cells
faceEdges Find edges attached to specified faces
facesAttachedToEdges 查找指定边缘附加的面孔
nearestEdge Find edges nearest to specified point
nearestFace Find faces nearest to specified point


pdecirc Draw circle in PDE Modeler app
pdeellip 在PDE Modeler应用程序中绘制椭圆
pdepoly Draw polygon in PDE Modeler app
pderect 在PDE Modeler应用中绘制矩形
Generatemesh Create triangular or tetrahedral mesh
meshQuality Evaluate shape quality of mesh elements
发现元素 Find mesh elements in specified region
findNodes 在指定区域中找到网格节点
area Area of 2-D mesh elements
volume 3-D网格元件的体积
pdemesh Plot PDE mesh
pdeplot 绘图解决方案或二维问题网格
pdeplot3d Plot solution or surface mesh for 3-D problem
Pdeviz Create and plot PDE visualization object


CSGDEL Delete boundaries between subdomains
pdea​​rcl Represent arc lengths as parametrized curve
wgeom Write geometry function to file


adaptmesh Create adaptive 2-D mesh and solve PDE
initmesh 创建初始二维网格
meshToPet [宠物]representation ofFEMesh数据
jigglemesh (Not recommended) Jiggle internal points of triangular mesh
refinemesh 精炼三角网


分析学特性 分析2-D几何描述
DiscreteGeometry Properties 离散的2-D或3-D几何描述
女性特性 网格对象
PDEVisualization Properties PDE visualization of mesh and nodal results


PDE Modeler Create complex 2-D geometries by drawing, overlapping, and rotating basic shapes



