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Simulink Design Verifier

Identify design errors, prove requirements compliance, and generate tests

万博1manbetx®Design Verifier™usesformal methodsto identify hidden design errors in models. It detects blocks in the model that result in integer overflow, dead logic, array access violations, and division by zero. It can formally verify that the design meets functional requirements. For each design error or requirements violation, it generates a simulation test case for debugging.

Simulink Design Verifiergenerates test cases for model coverage and custom objectives to extend existing requirements-based test cases. These test cases drive your model to satisfy condition, decision, modified condition/decision (MCDC), and custom coverage objectives. In addition to coverage objectives, you can specify custom test objectives to automatically generate requirements-based test cases.

Support for industry standards is available throughIEC Certification Kit(for IEC 61508 and ISO 26262) and做资格工具包(for DO-178).

Get Started

Learn the basics of Simulink Design Verifier

Systematic Model Verification

Identify and configure model components for analysis

Design Error Detection

Statically detect run-time errors and dead logic, derive design ranges

Test Case Generation

Generate systematic test cases from model, extend and combine test cases for full test suite

Requirements-Based Verification

Verify design against requirements, specify analysis input constraints

Complexity Management

Handle incompatibilities, optimize analysis for large and complex models

Results Interpretation and Use

Log and review analysis results, generate report, create test harness model

Verification and Validation

Use Simulink products to test models and code, check for design errors, check against standards, measure coverage, and validate the system

Tool Qualification and Certification

QualifySimulink Design Verifierfor IEC Certification