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Prepare model for hardware connection, add blocks to support hardware protocols


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Digital Read Read logical state of digital input pin
Digital Write Set logical state of digital output pin
Analog Input Measure voltage of analog input pin
PWM Output Generate square wave on the specified output pin
I2C Master Read Read data from I2C slave device or I2C slave device register
I2C Master Write Write data to I2C slave device or I2C slave device register
SPI Register Read Read data from SPI slave device register
SPI Register Write Write data to registers of SPI slave device
SPI Master Transfer Write data to and read data from SPI slave device
SCI Read ReadN-by-1array of data on UART
SCI Write SendN-by-1array of data to UART
MMA8652FC 3-Axis Accelerometer Get measurement of linear acceleration along the X, Y, and Z axes of the MMA8652FC 3-Axis chip
MAG3110 3-Axis Magnetometer Get measurement of magnetic field along the X, Y, and Z axes of the MAG3110 3-Axis chip
5x5 LED Matrix Output 5x5 LED image on board
LED Text Scroll Create scrolling text for BBC micro:bit
Radio Receive Receive data from micro:bit devices via radio
Radio Transmit Transmit data to micro:bit devices via radio
Note Generator Generate frequency corresponding to a musical note
Play Note Play musical note on specified pin on BBC micro:bit
